That girl has more musical talent in her little finger than I have in my entire body! She's loved music as long as I have known her and I hate to admit I admire her talent! I can't read music to save my life but that girl is playing the Clarinet, has won awards and is now taking Oboe lessons! She is a natural and she is only 14. Show me a piece of sheet music and it might as well be chinese!
Then we have Jon. He is definately all boy and he loves to work with his hands already. For only being 8 it is impressive to say the least. He is in a program at school called Destination Imagination and they won 1st place for thier manned & unmanned machines and the performance(he is the one with the bandana thingy tied around his head) they gave at a recent competition. Now they get to go compete at the state level!! He had to call and tell us his exciting news! I am so happy for him!
Then of course we have our resident celebrity Jonnie who is on the billboard in Mississippi
Jenny called last night and she had a meeting at his school yesterday and found out he is being moved to a gifted program!
Gosh they are not only handsome and beautiful, but smart too!! *L*
Ok on to the kids... *L*
Jamie called so excited she could hardly stand it. She got a new job!!! She is going to be working in a print shop, finally doing something with computers, like she has wanted for so many years! I'm excited for her and hope this leads to something even bigger for her down the line.
Oh, Jenny also told us to get on our comps because they got a web cam and she sent us live video of the twins. Now we just saw them not even 3 weeks ago? They are changing so fast!!! They are getting chubby little cheeks and Lexi was smiling so big! ahhhhhhh I got all teary eyed watching them! Sammi got a haircut and OMG she looks older and it is so beautiful on her!
Welp, thats about it for tonight. It is almost time for my Grey's to come on *L* so I gotta boogy outta here....I just had to do some bragging :)
OH That IS fabulous stuff Julie!!!
That is awesome Julie!
Hey,you have every right to brag. I love reading about your family and all the things going on. Congrats to them all for their accomplishments. Can't wait to see some updated pics of the twins.
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